Leftovers, extra baking supplies, dips and appetizers all contribute to this disorganized mess in my refrigerator. Does anyone else have a "thing" for keeping your fridge organized?
I prefer to have "like with like" -- all fruits in one drawer, veggies in another; all breads/carbs (pie crusts, wraps, english muffins) together on one shelf, dairy on another.
See? Isn't that better? Top left shelf - breads, pie crusts, wraps, english muffins, etc. Top right shelf - Dairy, including eggs, butter, sour cream. Middle left are condiments and bottles that won't fit on the door. Middle right is leftovers (food that needs attention in the near future) and drinks. Bottom left is Mr. B's shelf -- these are foods he can (reach) help himself to whenever he wants. Small drawer is lunchmeat and cheese. Bottom left drawer is vegetables, bottom right is fruits. Voila! Organized!
When the refrigerator is an unorganized mess, food gets lost and eventually goes bad. With an organized refrigerator I can see at a glance what I need to use up, or what's available for dinner. Mr. B. doesn't have to stand with the door open trying to find what he wants for a snack - he can look at "his" shelf and get what he wants. (Although that makes me sound like I am hyper-organized, it actually came about because one day I caught him climbing UP the refrigerator to reach a yogurt!)
You hear about sorting like-with-like or creating "centers" in the kitchen all the time, but no one ever seems to include the contents of the refrigerator in such kitchen organizing. Try it! You will spend far less time hunting for things when you cook, and less food will go to waste because you see what needs to be used BEFORE it goes bad.
ok... this is a good idea..
Deep breath...I will try to do this...........
...yea tomorrow sounds good !
- KAT -
We've got such a big family... we just try to send as much as possible home with the visitors when they leave... just keeping enough to enjoy the next day or so.. unless it's dessert... we'll keep as much of that as possible!
Thanks for dropping by French Lique this week Joan. Glad to see Mr. B is doing well and has new little girl in his world!
Wishing you the Happiest New Year ever! Blessings. Dixie
We still haven't finished up the leftovers from Christmas. Lots of dips and a piece of lasagna left. Not too bad!
Yep-I'm with you- I like my fridge organized and like with like~ Happy New Year to you and your cleaned up fridge- xo Diana
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