Dec 22, 2008

Christmas around my house

Joey, the Killer Cat, taking a snooze under the tree.


Karen said...

I'm glad you put a caption under that last picture.....I wasn't sure what I was looking at! I thought you said you didn't do much decorating? Your house looks very festive!

Joan J said...

Oh no no no... I didn't get out the 500+ Christmas candle collection this year. There's no decorations outside. There's no festive garland around the kitchen. Honestly, this is about 1/10th of how I normally decorate for Christmas! But still... it's enough :)

RoeH said...

Love the decorations. I always like Santa mugs for some reason. Till I realize I'm drinking out of the top of his head and them it loses it's cuteness somewhat. If I'd have put a tree up this year, Hank would have had it down in no time flat. But in past years I've had cats that love to sleep under it. Do you suppose it's the blinking lights that put them under?

Nancy at said...

You have such pretty pictures of your home. My mother is a quilter so I enjoyed seeing pictures of those. Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
Nancy, Rio Rancho, NM