Nov 28, 2008

Our Thanksgiving

Our one non-food tradition at our Thanksgiving table is for everyone to hold hands before we eat and say what they are thankful for. This is the first year that 2 year old Brayden is old enough to speak complete sentences, so I took him aside before dinner and explained what we were going to do and why we were doing it, and asked him to think about what he wanted to say "thank you" for. When it was his turn, he got a little shy with all eyes on him, but a very quiet, timid voice, he said, "I'm thankful for lunch." Awwwwwww.... And what did Mr. Fussy Eater eat for Thanksgiving dinner? Spaghettio's and Bread & Butter pickles, of course! Honestly, I didn't care. The important thing is that he was there, sitting at our Thanksgiving Table. What he actually ate really didn't matter. There's the difference between being a grandparent and a parent!

1 comment:

chickchatmom said...

When it comes to wrapping, I stick to buying 1 or two complimentary colors and then I will always have bows, tissue and wrapping that can be interchanged. This year I'm doing pink and silver. I only look for paper that is pink or silver, and go withs (bags, bows, etc) that are pink and silver. Makes looking for wrapping stuff easy and I don't end up with things that don't match.