Sep 19, 2011

Monday is...

For two weeks now I've been sticking to a good cleaning schedule. It not only keeps me "on task" (ie, everything gets done for a change), but it also has proven to free up a lot of my time for other things - sewing, reading, lollygagging on the back deck, etc.

Monday is Clean the Upstairs Day, plus one item from my "Master List" -- a list of things that aren't pressing but need to get done on a regular basis. So here is my To Do List for today, Monday, September 19.

Daily Chores (These get done every day of the week, before starting the Weekly Chores)
Make Jeff's breakfast
Pack Jeff's lunch
Make the bed*
Straighten all bathrooms - wipe down sinks, provide fresh towels, straighten
Good general downstairs pickup (put things back where they belong)
Run dishwasher and/or put dishes away
Wipe kitchen counters and stove top
Put out fresh kitchen linens (dish cloth, towel)

Monday Chores
Vac and dust upstairs (4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hallway)
Create menu and grocery list for the week (post on
One "Master List" chore - today will be to clean out the under sink cabinet in my bathroom - empty everything, wipe it down, declutter, organize

My overall schedule looks like this (Monday through Thursday)
6:30 - 7:15 - Up, have coffee, shower, get dressed
7:15 - 8:00 - Make breakfast, pack lunch, feed cat, go over To Do List
8:00 - 9:00 - Computer - blog, email, whatever
9:00 - 12:00 - Daily and Weekly chores (see above)
12:00 - 1:00 - Lunch, computer or TV
1:00 - 3:30 - Free time - sew, read, craft, Internet, activities with friends - or do nothing! Whatever I feel like for the day.
3:45 - 4:15 - Pick Mr. B. up at school
4:15 - 5:15 - Babysitting, start dinner
5:15 - 7:00 - Cooking, supper, clean up

We had a delightful weekend. The Fall weather has arrived, and I am so much more willing to get out and do things now than when it's 90 degrees and humid. Saturday Jeff and I got up early and went to an Antique Show and Flea Market in Springfield, OH (about an hour away). It was perfect weather for walking through this enormous outdoor market and seeing all the goodies up for sale.

These mason jars sparkling in the sun were just beautiful!

A sure sign of Fall

Had the manual and accessories, but no place to plug it in to make sure it worked. I passed. Price $85

Scrap monsters!

I may have to try this. I have a crate!
This week I will post my schedule every day, so you can see how I've worked it out to have more free time. Does anyone else use an hour-by-hour schedule like this? Would love to hear from you!

Life is good!

1 comment:

NanaDiana said...

I like your schedule. I need to get better at it. It seems I am always working at cleaning...and am never done!

Great flea market. I love that sewing machine. What a shame that there was no place to try it. xo Diana