Oh, I mean... "my back is at it again"...
I have back problems, no way of getting around it. I can go months with no major problem at all and then BAM! I get hit and hit hard. Yesterday was the beginning of a "hit hard" period, I guess. I actually had to ask my daughter to see if Mr. B's other babysitter could stand in for me today (she did - yay!).
My problem is the result of a fall off a horse when I was 10 years old. I broke a vertebrae but - oh don't you just love a kid's way of thinking - told no one because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to ride the horse anymore. So, of course, as I'm getting
older... the back problem rears it's ugly head more and more often. The doctor explained that the vertebrae healed incorrectly and causes problems with the nerves which go into my hips. So every now and then I get an inflammation in my hip. I'll be fine - it will go away after a few days of taking it easy, heating pads and ice, and some anti-inflammatory meds.
But meanwhile...
I'm SO excited that SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE is coming back on - May 21st! I'm also an American Idol fan, but SYTYCD is my all-time favorite TV show.
AMERICAN IDOL - I don't want Adam to win, though he's obviously the most talented. Why? Because his career is already a given. I'd like to see Danny or Kris win. I'm sure Alison or Kris will go home tonight. How talented are these kids??!
HELL'S KITCHEN - If you watch this show (which we do), be sure and also watch GORDON RAMSEY'S F WORD on BBC so you can see what a fun, happy, very loving dad the guy is vs. the hardcore, f-word flinging, larger-than-life demonic guy you see on HK.
SURVIVOR - Will they EVER smarten up and get rid of Coach? My goodness. He'd have been my first vote! And have you googled him yet? Yes, he actually HAS done all those things he keeps talking about. He actually holds the world's record for ?kayaking? for something like 6,900 miles and HAS been attacked by pirannha! LOL I thought he was making it all up. JT is my choice for winner - but the nice guys never win on this show, do they?
The funniest show on television - THE BIG BANG THEORY (Monday nights). We DVR this and never erase the episodes because they are SO funny and worth watching again and again. I peed my pants when Sheldon drank coffee for the first time. I hope this show is around for a long time! We never buy DVD's, but bought the first year's episodes (just so we could have more room on the DVR!) and have the 2nd year on pre-order on Amazon.
NASCAR - Any NASCAR fans out there? I love what Darryl Waltrip said about Kyle Busch - "They want him to win like Richard Petty, drive aggressively like Dale Earnhardt, and be nice like Mark Martin." It took me years to find a new favorite driver after Dale's untimely death, but Kyle Busch is it.
ALONG LIFE'S HIGHWAY blog. Too funny. Stuff you see in people's yards. YES, two of my photos made it in -- they are the homemade lawn airplanes. Funny site and fun game to play!
- Pomegranate tea. If you're a tea drinker, find some. A bit reminiscent of a raspberry flavored tea, but different. (Oh, that's a great description - not!) It's going to make a great iced tea this summer!
Jodi Picoult's newest book Handle with Care
. Wow wow and more wow. Story of a family with a disabled child and the ripple affect of a court case. One of the best surprise endings I've read in a book -- and by "best" I mean - you really don't see it coming until you're in the middle of it.
Unabridged Audio Book - THE AMERICAN WIFE by Curtis Sittenfeld - read by Kimberly Farr. The story is great and the reader does it justice. What more can you want in an audio book?
OK, so what if I told you there was something you could do the next time you go grocery shopping that will help the economy? Ready for this? GO BUY PORK, PEOPLE! The pork farmers are suffering terribly because of this SWINE FLU frenzy and because people are scared to buy pork. The SWINE FLU DOES NOT COME FROM PORK!! So go help the pork farmers and have pork chops for dinner this week!
It's that easy...
Oh, have mercy! I went to the Life's Highway blog and about fell out of my desk chair laughing. You know what I miss? Auto tire planters cut with a zigzag edge, with petunias growing in the center. My family never perpetrated anything like, but they were all over the place in eastern KY when I was a kid, and I'm pretty sure at least one of Mom's cousins had them. But even worse than the house decorations was a store just outside town that sold concrete figures and birdbaths, gazing globes and all sorts of mechanical lawn items. The entire space between the store and road, about 25 ft deep, was crammed completely full of these, in all their lawn jockey/plaster Jesus/whirligig/shiny globe/seahorse birdbath glory. I've seen cars come to a dead stop at the sight.
Oh, yes, one more thing - Gordon Ramsey either has serious a self-control disorder (oh, heck, I've seen two year olds with better behaviour), or that whole cussing fit-throwing thing is the ultimate conceit, a camera personae he created that's just outrageous enough to make tons of publicity for him. He either needs anger manangement training, or he's a attention-craving cad. Either way, I think I can do without him.
I don't know, Gordon Ramsey sounds more like an angry drill sergeant than someone with a self-control problem. Besides, he makes for some great entertainment when you're bored enough. http://www.prozac.bz
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