Jeff and I spent Saturday hitting our first yard sales of the year. Of course, we had some great "finds"!
Look at this! It's a Police Car peddle car for Mr. B! This little gem is in absolutely new condition, and has a full metal body and rubber tires and a steering wheel that steers! $15.00!

Next, I found these sweet pictures for my kitchen. The colors are perfect as well as the tomato and onion theme. They are in a nice black wooden frame. $2 for the set of two.

Mr. B's Uncle Jeff plays guitar. To date, Mr. B only plays "air guitar" but he does it with great enthusiasm! A few weeks ago we were at the local flea market, and a boy about 11 or 12 was playing the guitar and we stopped to watch. Mr. B didn't want to leave. I priced small "real" guitars for children, and they've been too pricey. So when I saw this one at a church rummage sale for just $1, I grabbed it. It was covered in awful Garbage Pail Kids stickers -- some WD40, a credit card as a scraper, and a lot of elbow grease got all the stickers off. It's a beauty!

I did see many, many sewing machines at yard sales, priced from $40 to $200, and all seemed over-priced to me. NOT that I need another sewing machine! But I do always check them out. If anyone on a tight budget is looking for a sewing machine, I'd definitely recommend yard sale shopping.
The SWINE FLU has hit our area - 6 reported cases in our part of the state. I'm trying not to worry. Mr. B and I are both so prone to respiratory problems that I worry about either of us catching this flu. I'm probably being an over-bearing mother, but I did just send my daughter the news about the newly reported flu cases here. Daycare is such a germ-ridden atmosphere. I suggested she start carrying hand-sanitizer with her and make sure he uses it whenever they are out in public. I know that's what I'm doing. I'm not in a panic about it, but I am concerned enough to stay aware -- as I hope everyone is!
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