Anyone who writes a blog, of course, is happy when someone reads it. Happier still when someone leaves a comment!
I grew up in New Hampshire, got married there, had babies, lived near family, had close and dear friends. And several times a week my phone would ring or there would be a knock on my door, and it would be friends or family just stopping by to chit chat, have a cup of coffee, sometimes with kids to play with mine, sometimes without, borrowing an egg or maybe a shoulder to lean on. They might stay for 10 minutes, stay for several hours, stay the entire day and share dinner with my family. I really miss that since we moved to Ohio. It seems in today's all-things-technology age we are hiding behind computers, texting on cell phones, messaging on iPads - and we have more connection with our favorite reality show contestants on TV than we do with our neighbors. I find it humbling to have to invite someone over for coffee, or to make a date in advance to go shopping together. Trying to find a time and date where three of four friends can all get together at once is almost an impossible task that I admit, I've pretty much given up on.
So that's why I blog. I have a need to connect with other people, to tell someone how my day has gone, to show off pictures of my grandchildren, to brag about a new quilt, to share a recipe. I need to vent about the service guy, or ask for ideas on things to do with my grandson. I visit other blogs for exactly the same reason - to get a new recipe or to hear about a deal at a local store; to read about someone else's grandchildren or exclaim (and be motivated by) their newest sewing accomplishment. I feel a connection - a technological friendship - with my fellow bloggers.
So I love this idea of a "Small Blog Meet". It's a chance to meet a new blogging friend, open my blog door and invite them in for coffee, share a tiny piece of their life with me, and listen to what's going on in my small corner of the world.
I invite you to click on the button below and join. Post a link to your blog on Lily's Quilts, and I will come visit. And thank you so much for being here for whatever reason. You touch my heart.
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. --Albert Schweitzer
Those are good reasons for blogging! I'm a student and stay at home single mother and I don't really know anyone in this area, it's hard to meet people nowadays and I'm not so good at the making friends thing. So, I blog to share what I've made with people who are interested in the same things and having that communication, even if it's just a comment or a quick email, gives me some interaction with adults which is sorely needed!
In my 'real' life no hardly anybody understands the fun and sense of accomplishment of quilting, so blogging is definitely a great way to connect to people who 'understand'!
Can I still come in, I'm a Brit and I don't drink coffee, only tea!?!?!? ;). Some really lovely reasons to blog-and I'm looking forward to having a nosey around your blog! Ange x
Hi, just joined the 'small blog meet' and have popped in to see what you are busy with. Hope to see more of your blog in the future.
Tried to leave a comment, but the scrambled words defeated me, so will just hope for the best this time.
I have also joined the 'small blog meet' so hope to see more of you.
Dropping by today through Lily's Quilts! I think so many of us started blogging for similar reasons -- there is so much encouragement to be found in this online sewing community!
"I have a sneaking suspicion some of those folks are looking for housewife porn and just stumble in my door." this made me really laugh out loud.
I blog for a lot of the same reasons. It's nice to believe that you have a forum for your thoughts. I know I have few followers, but another reason I blog is to have a "diary" of my life. Once in a while, I go back and look at some of my old blog posts, just to remember what I was doing during that time and see pictures I posted of the family and grandkids when they were younger.
Oh your post made me laugh...housewife porn...but I get what you say about making times to meet these days - it's the same for me since I moved to my current location. You are more than welcome to call in for a cuppa any old time, although it might take you a while to get to Australia.
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