Yesterday was "Wordless Wednesday" and boy, that's a killer for me. But my friend, Dixie, from the
French Lique, TX blog makes fun of me for including words in my Wordless Wednesday posts, so yesterday I tried harder! I always want to write about the photos I'm posting! But today is THURSDAY and
WORDs WORDs WORDs WORDs WORDs! So scroll down a bit and see yesterday's photos, and come back up here so I can tell you about them.... I'll wait...
la di da di dummm...
OK, you're back!
So, how cute is that little chair?!? It's a little wooden chair about six inches tall that I found at the flea market last week - for $1! I think it may have originally contained coasters, but I love it just the way it is. I'm thinking this may be the start of a new collection. Perhaps a wall full of miniature chairs? Oh yeah - one wall of miniature chairs and one of miniature quilts... Oh, sorry, am I drooling?

The daffodils and forsythia branches are from my yard. Mr. B and I went out and picked two bouquets of flowers and I gave him a fine, fine life lesson. "If you want to make Mama smile, just give her some flowers and a hug and a kiss." Now if he can hold onto that thought through adulthood...
The second photo is a side table in my family room. My "collection" of smokers is up to a whopping THREE now! These things are pricey on Ebay, but I'm patiently seeking them out at the flea market and pay just $1. My theory - it's not a true collection if you can find new items easily! But look behind the smokers -- see that beautiful needlework on the wall? My friend Karen sent me that a few weeks ago. Isn't it wonderful?! I absolutely love it.
Today I'm doing laundry and trying to get caught up on blog business / busyness. My QOB blog is moving right along with new sponsors for giveaways lined up. (Stop by - there's
two giveaways going on now!) I'm not writing about it to advertise it, I'm writing about it because I am learning something new -- to actually create a blog (or web site) that actually gets in a steady stream of readers is HARD WORK! It's taking up a lot of my time! It is taxing every organizational skill I thought I possessed - as in "OK, I know that publisher asked if I wanted to review that book -- but where is that email?". I'm not 100% sure why I'm doing it, but I have always had an entrepreneurial streak in me, and feel lost when I'm not doing something that really stimulates that side of my brain. I don't miss working but I do miss the mental challenge of the business world.
But boy, do I need to get on some kind of schedule. I can easily let myself spend eight to ten hours a day on the computer -- asking permission for this, writing about that, finding new ideas, etc. For someone who spent eight to ten hours keeping an orderly and organized house -- well, you know something had to give! Considering I never made it back upstairs to make the bed for the past two days.... ahemmm... you can figure out what "gave". But the same as all the women who work outside the home -- it's all about scheduling and balance. That's my goal for the next week -- to come up with a workable schedule that balances between babysitting, blog writing, housework/home and life in general. I'll let you know how it goes.
But now, I'm off to hang sheets out on the line. Yay! Spring is here and it's finally warm enough to hang out the laundry. Mmmm... how good does laundry hung outside smell?!?
1 comment:
I'm so jealous that you have forsythia and daffodils! We haven't seen a single flower blooming yet here in New England.
Thanks so much showcasing my cross-stitch! I had so much fun making it for you!
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