Sep 26, 2008


WATERBURY, Vt. (AP) - Mooove over, Holsteins. PETA wants world-famous Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream to tap nursing moms, rather than cows, for the milk used in its ice cream. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is asking the ice cream maker to begin using breast milk in its products instead of cow's milk, saying it would reduce the suffering of cows and calves and give ice cream lovers a healthier product. Read the full article here. I don't normally make editorial comments in my blog, but this deserves one. I've never cared for the practices of PETA, and here is one more classic example why. They take a remarkably good social cause (stop cruel treatment of animals) and take it to the extreme. Since when is it better to make women into cows than allow cows to be cows? Ridiculous. My philosophy? Take all the money that supports PETA and move it over to an organization that helps America's children. The child that has no food, no housing, no health insurance is certainly worth as much effort and money as PETA puts forth for a cow apparently offended by being milked. The world is a mixed-up place these days. Oh wait, it's possible Obama will be in office before long, so that's not going to change. I'm willing to bet PETA supports Obama. That would make sense.


QuiltedSimple said...

We have bumper stickers on our cars - "PETA - people eating tasty animals" - ick as far as eating ice cream made of human milk. That is what animals are for......

Anonymous said...

Amen!! Well said.

Glad to hear you guys are getting back to normal after the storm.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I heard this on talk radio - how ludicrous.

When are we going to hear about your vacay? I hope you took pictures!

RoeH said...

Yes...what Tipper above said..."Well said and Amen". No one likes animals and rights for animals more than me, but PETA crossed the line into insanity with that many years ago. People need to wake up and stop giving to them. said...

Amen! I'm totally with you!

Thank you for your entry in the giveaway. I'm hoping to have many more giveaways (in fact, I do have another giveaway going on for my homemade soap in the sidebar of my site).

Remember that there is a 10% discount on the Simply Neutral cleaning products.


Anonymous said...

Yes, this is "udderly" ridiculous! Luckily, as the article points out, Ben & Jerry's thinks it is gross also.

I am for protecting animal rights in responsible ways, such as some of these poor animals are chained in stalls where they can't turn around, cows milked 24 hours per day so their udders are swollen and reach the ground, sick steer pulled to slaughter, etc. Lots of gross things which makes one appreciate why some folks are vegetarians. Really awful things done to cats and other small animals just to test new make-up!

So, for those of us who still want to eat beef and chicken and drink milk and wear mascara, responsible practices that respect the animals during their lifetimes we should all agree on. PETA does a good job with education on these practices, but goes too far at times.

Now, if I can just forget about buying those "UGGS" boats I want....

Unknown said...

Lucy made a good point that we shouldn't be too surprised as PETA has been insane for years. However, with all the celeb endorsements, I don't think they will be going anywhere...
PETA's article made the point that we are the only species that drinks another species' milk. Well, we're intelligent beings, so I guess that is how it goes.
On a related note, I do agree that animals get mistreated during the process. It's better for both the humans and the animals if they don't get injected with nasty stuff and fed blood and feces. That is part of the reason I have switched to organic dairy and eggs...hey, it also tastes MUCH better and you know that has to mean something!