Jun 14, 2008

The BEST Home Remedy - and frugal too!

I've mentioned this "Helpful Hint" (aka Life Saver, for me) before, but after a few minutes of agony last night, I feel strongly that it's worth mentioning again. I occassionally suffer from leg cramps that border on debilitating muscle spasms. It's only happened a few times in the past 4 years, but when it happens -- youchie. It usually happens if I've either been walking a lot or working hard outside in the heat without rehydrating. Yesterday, I did both and last night paid the consequences. I woke up to a really severe muscle cramp around my ankle, to the point where I could not UNbend my foot. Nasty stuff. Many months ago I got on the Internet and started looking for home remedies for muscle cramps. I found one that looked absolutely silly -- until I tried it. This is THE most amazing thing ever. The remedy is to eat a big spoonful of good ol' yellow mustard for INSTANT muscle cramp relief. I can't begin to tell you how fast and thoroughly this works. Jeff went down and got a spoon and the mustard, and I gulped down my spoonful. I swear, within 5 seconds the cramp and the pain were gone and today there's no trace of muscle soreness that you often get the day after a bad cramp. I understand it's the tumeric in the mustard that does this. I don't know why. All I can tell you is that it absolutely positively works. My daughter told me last week that she got a severe muscle cramp in her upper thigh one night, got out of bed and gulped her spoonful of mustard, and is now able to support this theory. I know it sounds bizarre. But the next time you suffer from a muscle cramp, try it for yourself. And spread the word. This is a really good one to know when you need it!


Rose said...

My husband gets cramps real bad sometimes, so I told him about your home rememdy...he had occasion to try it out and it worked for him!

Joan J said...

I'm so glad it worked for him, Rose! Thanks for coming back and telling me. I'm a huge believer, but I always wonder if maybe it's just me psyching myself into believing something works. LOL So thanks for the affirmation.