Pretty sunrise from my back deck this morning... Red sky in morning, sailor's take warning. I haven't listened to the full weather report today, but I understand 3-4 inches of snow is on it's way tonight and tomorrow. Fine by me -- I don't have to go anywhere! Besides, if it's this cold (yesterday we reached 14 degrees), we ought to at least having a pretty snow landscape to look at. Right now we're looking at bare trees, dead grass, and mud. Snow would be much better!
I went grocery shopping at WallyWorld on Saturday. I don't normally do grocery shopping there, but I had other things to buy so I thought I'd combine trips. I don't know how people shop exclusively at WallyWorld. I came away without buying any meats at all (other than a package of Hebrew National hot dogs). Their meats are very expensive and everything is pre-packaged (as in, no butcher in the back) and just doesn't look appetizing. Other items that I buy regularly (Kroger brand coffee, Millstone coffee, and more) aren't available, so I end up going to the "real" grocery store after going to WallyWorld.
I spent $170, but it included a lot of non-food items -- 3 new shirts (found on sale for $3 each), a new pair of sneakers, new undies, a new mop (Jeff broke mine), two pair of shoes for Brayden (again, on sale for $3 each!), new toothbrushes, and more. I think I spent about $80 on groceries and $90 on "other". If I'd gone to Krogers, I'd have bought more meats, but we'll get by just fine on what I did by. I had to re-make my menu's for the week, since I didn't come home with the meats I wanted. So here are this week's menus.
Sunday - Baked Tilappia (fish), sugar free coleslaw (homemade), salad
Monday - Spaghetti with italian sausage, onions, peppers
Tuesday* - Tomato soup, grilled cheese
Wednesday - Veg stir fry, chicken egg rolls
Thursday - Baked chicken, brown rice, salad
Friday* - Frozen pizza, salad
Saturday - Hot dogs, wheat rolls, leftover coleslaw, baked beans
* Brayden's here all day and I'm too tired to do much cooking at the end of the day, so these days are always fast meals.
I use DREAMFIELDS pasta. If you've never tried it, it's really worth trying. It's very high in fiber, low in carbs, and actually tastes like PASTA (as opposed to meany of the healthier pastas that taste like cardboard - or worse). You absolutely cannot tell the difference between this pasta and "regular" pasta. They have elbow macaroni, spaghetti, linguine, penne and lasagna noodles. Good stuff! Want a coupon? Go here!
Brayden stayed overnight Saturday night. He and Mary met us at the local Chinese Buffet restaurant, and we were all shocked when Brayden ate more than his fair share of chinese food! He loved noodles, chicken fingers and cheese sticks, and along with those ate cantalope, grapes and bananas. The little boy's only fault is that he is a really fussy eater, so it was amazing to watch him "chow down" like he did.
Mary left us at the restaurant and we brought Brayden home with us. He'd brought his harmonica, which he loves to play and actually does quite good (though he hasn't yet developed the concept of a "song" -- but he does love music!). I normally have Sirius radio on "Kids Stuff" channel -- and Brayden now stops whatever he's doing when he recognizes harmonica music, puts his hands up to his mouth and blows, like he's playing the harmonica! LOL! His new words over the weekend were "Warm" "Easy" and "Hard". Easy and Hard come in to play when he's stringing wooden beads -- some are thinner (easy) and some are longer (hard). The "warm" came into play when I gave him a bath -- I taught him that if the water isn't hot and it isn't cold, it's warm. He understood completely.
Today is laundry, laundry and more laundry, combined with ironing. I did iron several of Jeff's shirts last night, but still have more to go. Also washing some fabric for a Box Swap my Yahoo group is doing.
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