Feb 20, 2008

The best laid plans...

Well, I had my day planned. But as Jeff got ready to leave for work he flipped on the news and discovered that I75 is at a dead stop and he's decided to work from home today. Because his office is upstairs and he will be on the phone most of the day, it's not feasible for me to clean upstairs today. OK - twist my arm. LOL! So, I find myself something new and fun to do. I went to RINGSURF and try to find a blog ring for homemakers. There isn't one?!?!? What is THAT about??? So, of course, I have to start one. Surely, there are other homemakers out there. Homemakers can work outside the home, of course, but their heart is with their home and their family. To me, homemakers ARE the heart of the home. We keep things moving. We make life easier for our family and we make our homes a safe place and an escape from the big bad world out there. We clean, we cook, we do laundry. Yes, we have outside interests (obviously, mine is quilting)... but our home and family are what makes our hearts go pitter-pat every day. If you're reading this and are a homemaker at heart, please join my Ring! All it really does is increase the traffic to your blog or web site. Once you sign up, I'll come visit your site (I'll take my coffee with Sweet n' Low and Cream, please!) and see that it's homemaker related, and I'll give you my stamp of approval (for all it's worth) and poof! you put a little web ring thingie on your blog or web page and off we go! I guess I should go do some laundry or soon I'll find myself lost in the land of the Internet for the day! So easy to find things to do on the 'net!

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