Oven-roasted turkey with sage/onion/celery stuffing
Mashed potatoes
Butternut squash (a new addition)
Cranberry sauce
Pearl onions in cream sauce
Green Bean casserole (my daughter's contribution this year)
Canned corn (so my grandson will eat)
Homemade rolls, butter
Apple pie, mince pie
Coffee and tea
Grocery Shopping
Run good dishes through dishwasher
Launder Thanksgiving tablecloth and napkins (iron!)
Write menu list and post on fridge (otherwise, I'll forget something!)
Get out all serving dishes and utensils to match list
Vac, dust and Windex dining room
Clean guest bathroom
Make apple pie (Mince pie is store-bought)
Make pearl onions/cream sauce
Make stuffing (don't put in turkey until tomorrow)
Set table
Clean up kitchen
Empty kitchen trash, clean sink
Run and empty dishwasher at end of day
Set out clean dishcloths and kitchen towels
Thursday Morning
Stuff turkey and put in oven
Make rolls (dough in bread machine then to oven)
Put cranberry sauce in serving dish and put in fridge
Take butter out to soften
1 hr. before turkey is done, peel and cook potatoes, squash
Take turkey out to rest, make gravy from pan drippings
Heat up canned corn (sigh)
Fill sink with hot, soapy water to put pans into immediately after food goes into serving bowl.
Light candles
Serve all food to table or sideboard
Hold hands around the table and tell what we're thankful for.
After Dinner
Line up all serving bowls on kitchen table. Using aluminum pie tins (10 to 12), serve up complete dinner in each one, cover with foil, freeze. These are our Turkey TV dinners we will eat for the next 1 - 2 months!
It is my husband's job to clean up the dishes and pots and pans, and put the first round in the dishwasher. We generally have to run the dishwasher at least twice.
Tablecloth and napkins to laundry room. Put normal centerpiece back on table, clean up room.
Serve pie and beverages about three hours after dinner.
Done, done and done!
Post your menus and recipe ideas here:
Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Your day sounds a lot like my own...except for the "canned corn". AND we have green beans with almonds. I hope you have a wonderful day-xo Diana
Sounds like a perfect family Thanksgiving. We'll be heading up to my Dad's this year, as usual. He is making most of the dinner, but I've been allowed to make the sweet potatoes. He'll have between 25-30 people this year! Yikes!!
your Thanksgiving meal sounds delicious!
I have a great recipe for a sour dough bread. I keep a starter going and make bread once a week.. I know you have that blog where you are teaching your daughter and I thought you might want my bread recipe. Let me know and I'll send it to you!
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