Sep 23, 2011

Friday's child is loving and giving...

I'm not sure why my titles to posts have slipped into the "'s child is..." but that's what is so great about blogging. I did it because it feels right :)

Friday's To Do List is different from all others, simply because it is my one day with Mr. B.  He arrives around 7:30 am, I take him to school (afternoon Kindergarten) at 1pm, pick him up at 4pm, and he's here with me until 5-5:30pm. And we all know I think Mr. B. is far more important than doing housework.

That said, I also think it's good for him to be required to stick to and see MY daily routine. Five year olds thrive on routine - knowing what is going to come next is important to them and provides a sense of security. So Mr. B. is well aware that before we play, we work. He sees (and frequently helps) me make my bed, put dishes away, wipe down the counters, sweep the kitchen floor, etc. I often throw in a load or two of laundry while he's here, and he has learned how to fold clothes with me. His weekly job, by the way, is to bring the (rolling) trash cans in from the curb and put them away in the garage. Nine times out of ten he does so willingly. The other times he tries to convince me he's too little to have a "job", but then we have a discussion on what it means to be part of a family, and how it's important we help each other. It's a grandmother's job to use every opportunity to teach life skills!

So today, other than my daily chores, my To Do List is small and is totally dependent on how much time Mr. B. occupies himself (playing Legos, drawing, watching TV). I will do as much laundry as I can shuffle in and out of the washer and dryer, and, if time allows, I will clean out my purse and get any trash out of my car. That's pretty much it (except for keeping up with the natural messes a 5 yr old makes!).

I don't always get to blog on Friday, but here is what Mr. B. is doing as I type:

Now I'm off to switch loads of laundry, try to convince Mr. B. he needs to put on a sweatshirt (I'm freezing), and then we'll do something exciting - Playdoh or paint, I think. It's a rainy day outside, so it's all indoor activities for us today.

Life is good!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love that you're teaching Mr. B to be responsible. The best possible thing a parent or grandparent can do!