No, it's not another grandchild. It's a dream come true. I have always wanted a treadle sewing machine - and today my new baby arrived - a Singer 66! I found her on Craig's List, went to see her and fell in love immediately. Her name is "Henrietta", after the gentleman who not only sold her to me, but actually delivered her to my house today! Look how pretty she is - despite her old age the colors of the decorative painting are still very bright and bold - and not a scratch on the paint to be seen! I've read that the style of painting is Egyptian, a craze in the 1920's. There is absolutely no rust, no paint cracking, no erosion of the metal stand - no imperfections at all! Henrietta has obviously been used very little and was very well taken care of.

Henrietta is in need of a belt and a spool pin. I'll order the belt tonight and I'm hoping a spool pin from one of my other old machines will fit.

Her oak stand is also in beautiful shape - one small stain on the top when the lid is closed, but I may be able to get that out with some lemon oil. Otherwise, there are no signs of dryness or wood cracking or chips.
I can't wait to try her out!
Welcome to the family, Henrietta!
What a score! That is simply beautiful. My mom has a treadle machine base that I've never figured out how to wheedle away from her. I want to make a sofa table with it.
She's beautiful. Congratulations.
I have a treadle I'd like to unload. It needs the lid re-done and wiring set up over the wheel which is still there and original to the machine. The one you found is beautiful. What a find.
i am so taken back in time!!! i learned to sew on one of those!! Grnadma taughtme that first as she felt i would lesrn more and apprcicite the art more then i moved to electric. She taught me hand sewign and tatting and crochet and eveything but that machine you picuted ment the world to me!! LOl i rmemebr running the needle through my fingure more then once!!!
It was always ok Grandma alwys knew what to do!
What a beautiful addition to the family! I know you'll find many hours of contentment with her.
Just a beautiful machine-lucky you!! Reminds me of my grandmothers-except her was just black-it didn't have all the pretty flowers.
What a beautiful sewing machine! I'm so happy for you that you have achieved a dream. Can't wait to see what you sew first -- please post photos! Have fun, and take care -- Dianne B. in England
Wonderful....and in such good condition! I have one similar from my DHs family. It is very used, it has the phoenix egyptian design on it in a cabinet with the box top to cover the machine. It has been in our dining room for probably 20 years, used as a table. Nothing has ever been done to it. I need to investigate getting it up and running....
Welcome Henrietta! Just imagine how welcome those machines must have been when they first appeared. Easy, pleasurable stitching, making it faster and simpler to sew so many things. I like to imagine Henrietta has seen many pretty dresses and curtains created in the past - what stories she could tell!
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