New to the retired life and living on a fixed income. Frugal recipes, household hints, and more.
Feb 7, 2009
Distinctly Three Years Old
It's time for a quick stint at our "vacation house"... and before you'all think we're swimming in richness and can afford a second home -- we rent. But we do rent the same wonderful house on the same wonderful lake from the same wonderful lady each time we go, so honestly, the house feels like home.
Jeff and I could throw what we need for three days in one overnight bag -- an extra pair of jeans, a clean pair of underwear, a clean shirt, a toothbrush. But we're taking three year old Mr. Brayden with us and the entire packing situation changes completely. Still in diapers at night and often waking up wet - so there's diapers,
wipes, extra jammies and t-shirts. There will be snow and mud available for his playing pleasure - so there's extra outfits, sweatshirt jackets, winter jackets, boots and shoes and lots of extra socks. Oh, and he's on the tail end of another stint with his bronchitis - so there's the breathing machine, the inhaler, the medicine, the kleenex. We must keep Mr. B. occupied so he doesn't ravage the house - so there's the tricycle, the remote control car, puzzles, books, crayons, and matchbox cars galore, plus a few DVD's in case it rains. There's no taking Mr. Fussy Eater out to eat at restaurants, so I have to pack food as well. He made his own menu up for me yesterday -- Toast for breakfast, Spaghettio's for lunch, cheese sticks and fruit snacks for snack, and Chicken Nuggets for supper. And of course we'll need apple juice, bottled water and box drinks, as well as some real fruit. I'll pack things to keep him busy in the car, things he can play with outside, things he can play with inside, plus his camera so he can take photos for his blog. And because his cuteness never ceases, we'll have to pack our camera and video camera as well.
Mr. Brayden and I have been having disagreements about his drinking habits lately. Mean old gramma doesn't think a 3 year old needs to be drinking Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke or any sugary, caffeine laden drinks. Our conversation went like this yesterday.
Mr. B: I don't drink Pop anymore, Umma.
Me: You don't?
Mr. B: No, and I don't drink Dr. Pepper or Diet Coke either.
Me: Well, that's good.
Mr. B: I like juice and I like water.
Me: That's good. That's what you should drink. Little boys don't need caffeine and sugary stuff.
Mr. B: I know. So I don't drink it anymore.
Me: Well, I'm very proud of you.
Now I'm thinking the conversation is over and I've actually won the battle. After a few minutes of quiet (I believe his conscience was getting the best of him), came Round Two of the conversation.
Mr. B.: (And I swear, he said all this in one long sentence without breathing between words!) But I drink Dr. Pepper and Diet Coke at MY house!...just not at your house because it's not good for me at your house, but it's good for me at my house and I really like Dr. Pepper and Mama says it's OK for me to drink it a little bit at my house, but I don't drink it at your house because your rules are your rules and Mama's rules are Mama's rules and I just have to go by your rules at your house but at my house it's OK but I just take little sips not big sips just little sips.
Me: (Silent, but giving him that "Gramma" look....)
Mr. B.: But I like juice and water better than Pop, Umma.
A little while later we're at the McDonald's drive-through for a pick-up of the All Holy Only Food He Eats Beloved Chicken Nuggets. Just as I arrived at the order speaker thingie, from the back seat, I hear "Why can't I talk, Umma?" I didn't understand what he was asking me, so I put in the order for the chicken nuggets, and suddenly a little boy's loud voice is shouting from the backseat - "AND I WANT CHICKEN NUGGETS WITH CHOCOLATE MILK - NO POP! UMMA DOESN'T WANT ME TO HAVE POP! SO I WANT CHOCOLATE MILK!"
He just makes my heart smile with his good intentions.
See you'all again towards the middle of next week...

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Isn't it amazing all the stuff you have to bring for kids? and how about infants? Sometimes I can't believe all the paraphenalia you need for a baby. Baby = 7 lbs. Baby stuff = 7000000 lbs.
When we were younger and our friends had little ones, it would tickle me to see the massive amount of stuff it took just for an evening out. The portable playpen (because our house was the opposite of baby-proof), the changes of clothes, the mile high stack of diapers, the special foods (because we only had adult food), and it went on and on. It was like a migration just to go across town to my house. Three days? They couldn't have done it - there were no minivans then.
Mr. B continues to crack me up. Why, may I ask, are chicken nuggets the All Holy Only Food He Eats? I guess it's handier than my nephew's crazy preferences were - he once went through a chicken fried rice only stage!
bringing all of that will break my back. >.<
Nice post.........Good work........
OMG Joan...that is so great. Hope you enjoyed your weekend at the cabin. I Love, Love, Love the latest pic of the "B" man. I can see the future adult creeping in his features...Mama's lock up your daughters. *LOL* I so enjoy your "Brayden" conversations, and especially enjoy his "good intentions".
The pop/no pop thing is so adorable and cute. Also shows how much Brayden loves and respects you~
What a little sweetheart. You have an adorable grandson. I remember those days of having to pack everything in the house:-)
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