Jul 22, 2008

30 years ago today...

Thirty years ago today, I woke up in a cabin on a tiny private cove on the coast of Maine. Unlike coastal Maine's weather most of the time, this day was hot and humid, and the little cabin had no air conditioning. There was also no shower, but lots of privacy in the front yard -- so I took buckets of water out to the yard and washed my hair and myself as best I could. I got dressed in a little blue sleeveless summer dress, sandals and a big floppy white hat -- the style of the 70's. After his "yard shower" Jeff dressed in his best suit and we headed off to Eastport, Maine. At the time, Eastport was known for it's fishing and fish processing. On a day as hot and humid as it was, you could smell the "fish processing" strongly. It definitely was not a GOOD smell! We looked for an address that I've long forgotten, and found a small white house sitting up on a hill. We drove up the driveway, talking a bit about how nervous we both were, but also how determined we both were. This was the right thing to do. Thirty years ago today, we stood in the dining room of a man we didn't know, attended by two of his friends who worked at the "fish factory" nearby. I remember hearing a clock tick, not understanding that it was sounding the count-down to the beginning of next phase of my life. Thirty years ago today, July 22, 1978, Jeff and I were married in Eastport, Maine before a Justice of the Peace, with two factory workers as our witnesses. I didn't understand what I understand now. That day was the best day of my life. That man standing next to me was the best thing to ever happen to me, and would go on to provide me with a comfortable, loving life, full of joy and laughter and a sense of "home" no matter where we live. I loved him on the day we married, but I love him so much more today. It's a love that has grown from daily living, from up's and down's and inbetween days. It's a love that to this day makes my heart go pitter-pat when he comes home from work. He is a patient, gentle, kind spirit and taught me what "unconditional love" is all about. He loves me on my good days, and my bad. He loves me when I'm laughing or when I'm crying. He loves me when I'm skinny and when I'm fat. He stands beside me, even when he knows I'm wrong, and just patiently waits until I discover what "right" is for myself. He is never judgmental. He never asks for anything from me, but accepts everything I have to offer with gratitude. There is no one I would rather travel with, sleep with, wake up to, watch TV with, cook for, or laugh with. And, ohmygosh, does that man make me laugh. Jeff -- I know you don't read my blog, but just in case. I love you. I love you so much I sometimes think my heart will burst. You are a wonderful husband, provider, father, friend and grandfather. Thank you for the best 30 years any woman could ask for. I hope I have given you even a small percentage of the happiness you have given me over these years. We both know we had one "down" period in our lives -- and I'm so grateful that you stuck with me through all that. You are my love, you are my heart. Yes indeedy - you're my sweetie! :)


Unknown said...

What a beautifully written account of your wedding day. Happy Anniversary!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! I can almost smell the ocean breeze and it reminds me of my time living in New England. Maybe wonderful Hubby will surprise you by taking you out to dinner tonite. Can't cook on your anniversary!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My God Joan....you've got me bawling! Congratulations on making the right choice 30 years ago. Here's hoping for 30 (or 40 or 50) more wonderful years!!
PS...how about forwarding the blog message to Hubby?? He HAS to read it!

Anonymous said...

Oh so sweet and written just perfectly! Happy Aniversary to you both!!